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At the Edge of the World chronicles the controversial Sea Shepherd Antarctic Campaign against a Japanese whaling fleet. The international volunteer crew, under-trained and under-equipped, develop a combination of bizarre and brilliant tactics with which to stop the whalers. But first they must find the Japanese ships, a far more difficult challenge than ever imagined - long-time activist Paul Watson and first-time captain Alex Cornelissen employ an array of strategies in the hopes of finding an elusive adversary in the vast expanse of the Ross Sea. With one ship (the Farley Mowat) too slow to chase down the whaling fleet, with their second ship (the Robert Hunter) unsuited for Antarctic ice conditions and with no country supporting their efforts to enforce international law, the situation becomes increasingly desperate. Against all odds, however, a real-life pirate tale unfolds - a modern-day David vs. Goliath adventure. Written by Dan Stone


  • HD太白劍湯君慈,周靖潼,梁俊一,許詩(shī)晨,楊乾龍
  • HD特勤精英之逃出生天蘇青,邱雨鑠,趙茜,寇振宇
  • HD特勤精英之生死救援張丹峰,蘇青,邱雨鑠,趙茜
  • HD我是復仇者2維尼·瓊斯,斯圖·班尼特,讓-保羅·李,杰西卡-簡(jiǎn)·斯塔福德,李·查爾斯,賓利·卡魯,卡特莉娜德登,David,Schaal,Josh,Myers,Joe,Egan,Mark,Griffin,詹妮弗·李·穆恩,Darren,Burridge,馬特·羅特利奇
  • HD我為你犧牲李琦,國永振,陳姝,魏鵬,鄧橙子
  • HD衛斯理之藍血人劉德華,關(guān)之琳,舒淇,Thomas,James,Hudak,Jr.,張耀揚,黃佩霞,鄭浩南,彭敬慈,龍剛,王晶,趙文卓
  • HD省港旗兵陳敬,江龍,林國斌,林威,沈威,黃光亮,方烈,藍湘森
  • HD外星罪孽國語(yǔ)弗蘭克·格里羅,布魯斯·威利斯,布蘭登·托馬斯·李,科里·拉奇,C.J.,Perry,佩瑞·里維斯,洛奇林·莫羅,科斯塔斯·曼迪勒,艾娃·德·多米尼奇,阿黛萊德·凱恩,Sarah,May,Sommers,特雷弗·格雷茨基,Christian,Hicks,Austin,Humble,Mark,Rhynard,約翰尼·梅辛納
  • HD冰封俠:時(shí)空行者國語(yǔ)甄子丹,黃圣依,王寶強,任達華,喻亢,江疏影,倉田保昭,鮑起靜,林雪,莊思敏,胡明,吳俊余,王文綺
  • HD冰封俠:時(shí)空行者粵語(yǔ)甄子丹,黃圣依,王寶強,任達華,
  • HD狄仁杰之骷髏將軍賀剛,岑明,辜芷云,高梓剛
  • HD登陸日:猛犬連蘭迪·庫卓,查克·林德?tīng)?溫斯頓·凱奇,杰西·科夫,大衛·湯姆,吉奧夫·米德,Isaac,J.,Cruz,凱蘭·呂德,馬修·丹尼斯·劉易斯,Sam,Gipson,Brandon,Root,Tyler,Bryan,邁克·C·曼寧,克里斯蒂安·奧列佛,Ben,van,Diepen,馬丁·科夫,菲利普·納塔內爾,本·貝格利

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